To Do or To Be...

There are two parts of living - the “to do” part and the “to be” part. We all assume that the “to be” part is what is decided by our destiny - I am a certain way - I have a certain personality - a certain belief system - and that it’s handed over either by my parents or by the environment or by God - I get angry - anger is in me, I get frustrated - it’s a part of me. 

And it’s the “to do” part where we have control, what to do, what to buy, where we work and so on. 

It might just be the opposite way. It’s the “to do” part which is destined for the most part - my going to IIT, my going to Europe, my joining Synopsys or this business etc. But it’s the “to be” part that I control through my conscious awareness. So the entire plan of life has to be a let go attitude for the “to do” aspects of life and a “take charge” attitude for the “to be” part of life.  And that’s why we are called Human Beings and not Human Doings...