We don’t run a business…we live our business. Which also means that our lives keep getting entwined more and more not just with time but also as our commitment to our own dreams becomes bigger and bigger. We are creating a world class organisation which will lead to a world class life also. The values we believe in and the actions we do, don’t just affect our lives but also shape the worldview of our children. They get a headstart into life and can literally stand on our shoulders. Our organisation is at a stage of life where the oldest of our children are crossing the threshold of teenage and moving into those formative years where it will either take them all the way to the top or hanging in mediocrity…
As the world around us becomes more and more complex, we want our children to be influenced by the values we believe in, rather than the values that their schoolmates and friends outside are living by. We all understand the power of association very well and would like to use it to the advantage of our next generation. They should look for role models within rather than outside. They should get inspired by the inner growth and maturity rather than just get blitzed by the culture of the society we live in. We will feel happier that our kids are not just learning from the right association and learning the right values and habits but at the same time, we are grooming future leaders, who will be capable of handling and growing the empire that we are creating, and to take it to new heights if they so wish.
The goal is not to teach them something new but to inspire them from each others’ habits and mindsets and over time what will come out of it is something that we can perhaps only imagine today…
Looking forward to creating a life which is rich not just in money but in areas that no bank in the world can manage…