EI or AI...
Every single day at least one person comes and brings up the subject of AI in our conversations. AI or Artificial Intelligence was science fiction less than a decade ago but today it is something that is standing right on our doorsteps, threatening us with our jobs or luring us with it's vast potential to make our life easier - both in one fell swoop. It is making people jittery about their own futures , threatening to take away their livelihoods. And there seems to be no way around it except one...we start working on increasing our EI - our emotional intelligence.
We are entrepreneurs and want to make use of every new technology that comes up to our advantage. What used to take hundreds of man hours for us today is effortless and hidden somewhere in the background. The challenge for us is not AI, but EI. Because that's something that is not getting automated at all. As a matter of fact, it is becoming more and more difficult each passing day - to be emotionally stable and to be able to respond to situations, stimulations and people, instead of reacting to them. All the time we are going to save from AI doing the job for us, needs to go in us developing our Emotional Intelligence. Because that's the only inner technology that's going to help us to make use of every new outer technology like AI in the future.