Subconscious - counselling at its best

We can run the business in 2 ways - with the conscious mind and with the subconscious mind. Whenever I’ve tried to run the business with the conscious mind, it’s not just very tiring but very confusing as well. 

Once you are decided on your goal and it has penetrated into the subconscious it’s very easy to achieve it. All you need to do is sit quietly, relax, breathe normally and let your entire body loosen. And there is no need to think of anything - your subconscious will just fill your conscious mind with ideas, with reminders of things crucial which you didn’t remember and so on and so forth. All you need to do is write them down and keep acting on them as they keep coming. The ideas keep coming sequentially and it’s just amazing how they will get the entire jigsaw puzzle to fit in perfectly.