Follow Through

Everybody wants to learn the art of doing the follow up because that is the step that helps bring people into the business. But one has to understand that follow up is not a one time activity. What is more important is the follow through. 


When we sponsor people we actually don’t sponsor them - we just sign them up. It takes them a few weeks or months to really get ‘sponsored’. In fact the moment they sign up, they suddenly start evaluating everything around them trying to justify whether they made the right decision or not. And more often than not, negative attracts us more than the positive. Our mind wants to find reasons not to have to put in the extra effort and go uphill. This is the time when we need to do a follow through. 


Every time I meet people after I sign them up, the first question I have for them is “Do you have any questions?”. And almost always they do have questions which all revolve around some feedback or hearsay they got from the people around them. Each time I meet them, I have to treat them like prospects and empty their mental garbage. At the same time I give them CDs/Books to help protect further garbage from coming in. And in the matter of a few weeks itself the prospect turns into a real “downline”