There is a limit to the money you can use - you will buy a couple of houses, a couple of cars, a plane maybe, an island, all the jewellery in the world, all the gadgets available and then get fed up with it all.
But there is no limit to the love you can use in your life. Nobody ever got fed up of that. And Taru’s birthday yesterday was a testimony of that. It was not about the flowers or the cakes or the gifts or the cards either. It was about what came written inside the cards - the messages of true love written in them. And you can live on them alone for months on end.
And there’s really no limit to the recognition you can get. We’ve not even hit Diamond yet and all you need to do is stand beside us on the BBS stage - the feeling is unmatched and humbling too - so much recognition for something you would have done even without it.
Unfortunately most businesses out there can give unlimited money - something that you stop wanting more of after a while. But they give pinches of love and recognition- that of which you want oceanfuls of.
You miss college days all your life because you miss those friendships, those heart to heart talks with friends, that uncontrollable laughter which shakes your bones, that appreciation of a quality in a friend.
Join this gang and you’ll never want to go back to any life but this!!!!