Once upon a time...
There was a time even I can remember when people used to live in homes with lawns and trees in them. When they could hear the birds chirp in the morning. When they used to water plants in the morning and evening and remove dead leaves from the plants. When they used to work 8 hours a day and then spend time with their wife and kids and go for a walk and talk to their children. When they had the time to pursue their hobbies of music, of learning something new, of reading and growing by learning. When they were not thinking of making money all the time. When there was lesser stress and no commute times to work and back and no getting stuck for hours every day in traffic jams. When the day used to begin with “Vande Mataram” on All India Radio. When they could lie down on the terrace and see the infinite sky with twinkling stars in them...
We are able to live that life today........and are thankful to God for every bit of it. And we know that there will be many more people who will be able to do the same thing in the near future....