Keep moving...
It is so convenient to read philosophy and to like renunciation and meditation. Inactivity seems very attractive. And to believe that it’s the path to grow can be very deceptive for most people.
Growth is always in moving - nothing stationary can grow. Stagnant waters always stink - it’s the flowing waters which are healthy and which carry life in them.
Try turning the wheels of a standing car and it’s clear. It’s very easy to steer a moving car. And that’s the same reason you need to set bigger goals to move forwards in life.
So many of us want to grow our personality, grow from the inside, grow spiritually but we are all like the car - only when we are moving towards a goal, only when we are attempting to go Eagle and Platinum and Emerald and Diamond do we try newer things; for what we have, is not enough to reach there. And only in that moving is change possible and steering of our life very easy.
It might seem that sitting and reading a book and contemplating is enough to change us but it is not possible. It’s only in the fight that any change in our personality or our thinking can be realized; and when amidst all the ups and downs you can remain stable and still, any spiritual growth realized.