Got It!!

The beautiful part of our business starts once you figure it out. Venkat is personal to us and has been with us for a few years now. He saw us breaking leg no 4 as well as breaking leg no 5. 

He was just over and was saying that when we were breaking those legs he was either too new or not too CORE and could not grasp what was creating the growth. But he has seen us working leg no 6 very closely. In fact he was with me in many of the plans that I showed in leg no 6 - plans out of which CORE IBOs have come out and lot of depth has happened below them already. He has seen me working with a binderful of lists - calling from all of them at the same time and doing plans to plans to plans to list to plans to list to plans to kits to list to plans to more kits to lots of PV. And he was saying just now “Once you saw it, you cannot NOT get it...I got it now....I really understood the difference between 99 degrees and 100 degrees....” And that’s the only thing you need to figure out - once you understand that there is no really got the secret.

Waiting for the secret to be revealed only wastes time that should have gone into working and showing plans. Once you KNOW that the secret is maximizing the number of plans, you start using the secret which is WORK. But you have to get it to get it...nobody else can get it for you.