Discovering Genius...
There is brilliance and genius all around us and even though it might be right in front of our eyes we might just altogether miss it. People have spent their lifetimes pursuing a field of thought and through infinite patience and meditation arrived at the true essence of knowledge in that particular field.
In a world of heavenly abundance, we might, for all we know, still be living in complete lack because of our ignorance. We are trying to reinvent the wheel instead of building upon those lives spent already. I believe it is only one’s fortune that they might stumble upon or I might say be led to the work of such geniuses. And when one does, you feel the same “aha” feeling; the feeling of genius shining through and it feels like you made the biggest discovery of your lifetime. This business has provided us the time, the resources and the flexibility to be able to indulge and discover more and more of these pearls in the ocean of life.
The following are the works and minds which have given infinite pleasure to me:
Harry brown : Fail Safe Investing
Benjamin Graham : The Intelligent Investor
Cycles and Economics:
Martin Armstrong :
Christopher Alexander : The Pattern Language
Child development and growth:
Glen Doman : How to Teach your child to Read
Spiritual insights and ultimate truths:
Sister Shivani of Brahmakumaris
My mother who is a friend, philosopher and guide
and the biggest of all
Bill Britt, without whose genius our life would have been but running from pillar to post...