Breaking Away...
The most difficult time for any parent I realized is 2 instances in life. One is when the kid mentally and physically moves out of the dependence of the parents. Mentally when he enters adolescence and physically when he leaves home to study/work/explore the world. We fulfill our need to be needed (perhaps the greatest need of a human being) through our children. And thus they give us more than we give them (though we always pretend that it’s the other way round).
And the second is when they get married - now the third dependence - the emotional dependence is also gone. And this is one of the most difficult to endure.
A wise parent is somebody who knows how to deal with this gracefully. But the funny thing is - so is with an upline for a downline as well.
Initially they are physically/mentally dependent on you - they just keep hanging around you for everything all the time. You “take” them with you to functions, to contacting, to plans. But soon they grow out of it. You like it to some extent too - because it gives you the freedom - they think on their own how to do PV and sponsoring and do 10000PV each month. Just like a parent who gets his freedom back to visit friends and do what they want to do.
But as a downline goes further into higher qualifications, his emotional dependence will reduce too. And that should not hurt. you have to trust that the deposits you made in the earlier years and the foundation you gave them will sustain them and your relationship. And that they will behave as responsible adults who you’ll be proud of for the years to come.
I also learned as I’m growing myself that I need to show my appreciation/respect to my parents on a continual basis - that's the only thing they really need from us.