Childhood relived...

They say that we live our childhoods all over again through our children. And it’s so true. At least I’m living mine again for sure.

When I was small, each summer vacation we used to go visit my aunt and uncle who used to be a professor at IIT Roorkee. I have great memories of the 1-2 days that I used to spend over there every year. 

One of the things I loved doing most was visit the neighbouring kids’ homes and playing there. Shachindra used to have tons of Lego blocks and that was the first time I saw them. Those days nobody in India would have even seen them and you could only buy them abroad. I could just keep looking at them and keep getting fascinated...and wait for the next year to return to play with them even if for just a few hours. 

One thing I have realised about the magic of having time and money together is that after some time of staying free and relaxing deeply, it will rekindle all the old dreams inside you which are buried deep down. And that's what I started doing a few years back. Smaller Lego sets and then bigger sets and then still bigger. I have already spent a small fortune on them. The last one I got for Adi cost a bomb - it’s the ultimate in Lego - the robotics set of EV3 Mindstorms. Adi and me love spending time building and programming them...

Taru knows that I buy them for Adi.....but actually for myself...