7 Habits of happy kids

I read somewhere that the kids’ brains are most absorbent till the age of 7. It’s our responsibility now to give as much as we can for them to have a legacy for a lifetime.

Rummaging through the stack of books, I found this really nice book at the Hyderabad airport - 7 Habits of Happy Kids - by Sean Covey. Obviously, I picked it up right away and started reading it to Adi every day. We have reached habit no 5 only till now.

But he picked up 1 habit right away - First things first. Previously it was so difficult to make him sit and do cursive writing practice. Ever since he understood that chapter in which Sammy flunks the spelling test by Ms Hoot because he didn’t prioritize his days and did everything else but studies, the first thing he does after getting up in the morning is bring his notebook and do writing practice with me. 

He also picked up the concept of making a list from that habit. And yesterday he was telling Divya to make a list of things to do before going out to the shop - that way you will not forget what you want to do.

I can imagine what an effective person he’ll grow up to become when he would have mastered all the 7 habits before he’s 6 years old.